The city of Cleveland is now three months behind on payments to a nonprofit that helps cover the rent for low-income ...
Rent reporting services provide tenants the opportunity to grow their credit history through monthly payments. However, landlords could also report late or unfulfilled payments to debt collectors.
Walter Ward was baffled after discovering Public Storage auctioned off the contents of his Eden Prairie locker in the fall of 2023, when he tried to pay $375 in late rent and fees. In the sale’s ...
Rent-stabilized landlords, already suffering from revenue caps, reported Section 8 payments had not hit their bank accounts ...
Here, we have someone in their late 30s who isn’t in a bad place financially at all. They have $2 million to their name, but they’re unable to buy a home because the housing market is ...
Jonathan Larson, the cheerily boyish composer of “Rent,” died in 1993 at the age of 35 and thus “The Jonathan Larson Project, ...
“I was so obsessed with RENT around the time of my bat mitzvah,” said Tepper, speaking on Zoom during a rehearsal. “On my bat mitzvah sign-in board, I’m dressed up as Mimi popping out of a ...
The children of late politician Gerishon Kirima have children have asked their tenants not to pay their step-mum, Teresia ...
This guide aims to simplify the intricacies of financial management for rentals. It’s designed to help landlords and real ...
However, you can still rent DVDs (and Blu-rays ... You can keep the disc (or discs) for as long as you like, with no late fees. Once you send the disc back, the next DVD in your queue will ...