This means they are placed at the bottom of the reactivity series in the diagram. Lead to zinc are more reactive, so produce very small bubbles in a slow reaction. They are placed above platinum ...
The reactivity series of metals is a chart listing metals in order of decreasing reactivity. In general, the more reactive a metal is, the more vigorously it reacts with other substances.
Therefore, the method of extraction of a metal from its ore depends on the metal’s position in the reactivity series.
SUNAYANA: You can listen on BBC Sounds for other episodes in this series as well as many more Bitesize podcasts. In this episode, Dr Sunayana Bhargava and Tulela Pea explore the reactivity series ...
the more vigorous its reactions are the more easily it loses electrons in reactions to form positive ions (cations) The table summarises some reactions of metals in the reactivity series.