By revealing a massive radio jet in the early universe, J1601+3102 offers a rare snapshot of early quasar activity.
Using the Five-hundred-meter Aperture Spherical radio Telescope (FAST) and by analyzing archival Arecibo Observatory data, ...
An Australian team has developed CRACO, an innovative radio system that detects cosmic flashes and pulses of energy in real ...
Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years ...
A blast of radio waves from the outskirts of an ancient galaxy challenges theories about what creates such bursts.
Telescopes around the world have spotted a monster radio jet streaming from a quasar dating back to the first 1 billion years ...
Astronomers have identified the largest radio jet ever observed in the early universe, spanning 200,000 light-years, using a combination of telescopes including LOFAR and GNIRS.