Elusive black hole radiation predicted by Stephen Hawking may have influenced the way the universe took shape after the Big ...
New research challenges our understanding of black holes, proposing they may not be cosmic dead ends after all.
Black hole singularities should not exist, according to theories of quantum mechanics. New tweaks to Einstein's equations of general relativity could finally do away with them, and explain what truly ...
A new recipe for black holes could do away with central singularities, saving the laws of physics from troubling infinities.
In a study published March 11 in the scientific journal Physical Review Letters, two researchers applied quantum mechanics to ...
What if a black hole wasn't the end, but the beginning of something new? Black Holes Might Transform into White Holes – ...
A new study by researchers at the University of Sheffield and Complutense University of Madrid suggests that black holes ...
Despite the bounce and subsequent expansion, nothing can leave the event horizon, so it expands into a new region of ...
Most theories describe the singularity of black hole as a particularly brutal end, but a new study suggests this ...
The first direct visual evidence of the supermassive black hole in the centre of Messier 87 and its shadow. Event Horizon ...
Using quantum mechanics, which explores the universe on an atomic scale, the study proposes that instead of a singularity, ...
"The singularity is the most mysterious and problematic part of a black hole. It's where our concepts of space and time literally no longer make sense." A team of scientists has developed a recipe ...