Puffins, often referred to as the 'clown of the sea' or 'sea parrot,' are remarkable avian athletes known for their ...
During the breeding seasons the birds rarely stray more than 10 miles from the shore while foraging for small fish including sandeel and herring for their chicks. The island has seen its puffin ...
Puffins are enchanting little seabirds. Here are 9 fascinating facts about puffins and their marvellous, yet sometimes ...
The birds spend most of their lives in the open ocean. Observing birds at sea is nearly impossible, so much about puffins remains a mystery. Ecologists like Erpur Snær Hansen, who leads a team at the ...
racing back from the water with beakfuls of fish, intent on avoiding gulls, skuas, and other aerial pirates. Unlike penguin colonies, often cramped, loud, and peckish, a puffin gathering is mostly ...
Overfishing of small fish has led to population declines in the birds that feed on them. Now the UK government's attempts to protect this crucial resource faces a serious challenge ...
Puffin parents can supply their young with fish more than 100 times a day. 3. Puffin beaks glow under UV light If you thought the puffins couldn’t get any more impressive, in January 2018 ...