The Sockeye-2 test is the second successful exploratory well, after the previous winter’s King Street-1, drilled in the ...
Now Armstrong is leading the charge to find Pikka-look-alikes east of Prudhoe Bay. All reports say the play concept in Armstrong's Lagniappe's acreage is very similar: Multiple zones, onshore, good ...
George Blankenship, greater Prudhoe Bay field manager ... from a cold state must be "continuously monitored" by an oil field worker. In the past, workers could leave well pads even though pressure ...
The Future of Alaskan Oil When oil was doscovered in Prudhoe Bay on the North Slope of Alaska, it was the single largest field ever found in North America. The 27-square mile oil field was small ...
The fund bought 429,752 shares of the oil and gas company’s stock, valued at approximately $234,000. Ashton Thomas Private Wealth LLC owned approximately 2.01% of BP Prudhoe Bay Royalty Trust as ...