Promoter sequences are DNA sequences that define where transcription of a gene by RNA polymerase begins. Promoter sequences are typically located directly upstream or at the 5' end of the ...
A new study published in PLOS Genetics has identified an extreme mutational hotspot within the genome of Pseudomonas ...
(a) Within this simple eukaryotic transcriptional unit, a simple core promoter (TATA), an upstream activator sequence (UAS), and a silencer element are spaced within 100 to 200 base pairs of the ...
Chinese scientists have uncovered two major genes responsible for sorghum's double-grain spikelet, which dramatically enhance grain number and crop yield. A substantial 35.7-kilobase intrachromosomal ...
Max Planck researchers discovered a 5,000-fold increase in the mutation rate in the genome of *Pseudomonas fluorescens*. The mutation regularly occurred in the promoter region of the *rpoS* gene and ...