Mega Pinsir is returning to Pokemon Go during the Might and Mastery season. Trainers can battle this Bug/Flying-type Mega ...
Notably, any eggs put into Incubators during the event will get halved hatch distance and the remote raid limit has increased to 20 until Feb. 28. (During Go Tour: Unova, the remote raid limit ...
Meanwhile, Mega Raids see the return of Mega Lucario, Mega Swampert, and Mega Pinsir. Today's raid guide for Pokémon GO players will help you assemble a team to take down Shadow Regice ...
and we’ll update this guide with more information as it becomes available. Though it’s hard to put a shop value on many of the above items as they aren’t for sale, for $5 (or the local ...
It is recommended to power up your counters as much as possible, but creating that amount of strong Shadow Pokémon with their moves unlocked is a tall order for even the most practiced players ...
This guide covers the best counters, strategies, and tips for defeating and catching Landorus. To successfully defeat Landorus, focus on using Pokémon that can take advantage of its weaknesses.