Trinity College Dublin may have been founded by Queen Elizabeth I, but for over 400 years every building on the prestigious university campus has been named after a man.
My guest today is Mary Jo Fresch, PhD, who lives in Dublin, Ohio. She began publishing ... Books such as "Math Poetry" ...
Poetry expresses the feelings we struggle to convey. Open any poetry book for proof: You’ll find love poems for romantic moments, silly rhymes for kids and limericks for when you feel like laughing.
We can only assume that when you say parade, you’re talking about the Dublin spectacular as that’s the one that will be the biggest draw on the day, with hundreds of thousands of people set to ...
In the late 1950s he moved to Dublin to study at Trinity College Dublin ... but Longley did not avoid writing about the conflict around him. Poems like The Ice Cream Man, Wounds, Kindertotenlieder ...
Ingoldsby retired from public life in the early 1990s to devote all of his time to writing poems and selling his books on the streets of Dublin. His collections of poems were issued by various ...
Co Dublin. Following his death today his poem, ‘A message for when I’m gone’, went viral on social media. It reads: “Ireland - it is little or no favours you ever did me or my poems when I ...
Narrative means story and a narrative poem tells a story. Lots of poems are mainly about thoughts and feelings and not about telling a story, so this is a key difference. Key features of narrative ...
To mark World Poetry Day, we’ve collected the stories behind six poems beloved throughout the world and which are well worth investigating for yourself. “You may write me down in history ...
We Irish are nothing if not poets. Here is a selection of the best Irish poems and songs that show off Ireland's spectacular way with words and fill us with pride in being Irish.
PSNI detectives investigating a Dublin murder have been been granted an extra 36 hours to question an alleged killer. Quam Babatunde, 34, who was in the Irish asylum-seeking system, died after he ...
Trinity College Dublin may have been founded by Queen Elizabeth ... “a lot of scholars don’t like to go back that far, to poems about breastfeeding and the domestic — it’s as if that ...