[Jouni] designed a holder for a standard Roland vinyl/sticker cutter blade (replacement with 5 blades ... Simply clamp your plastic or vinyl onto a flat piece of wood, and get stenciling!
This touch-safe cutter requires no blade activation - simply pull to cut ... strapping, shrink or plastic wrap or a variety of other packing materials. Because these knives have no exposed ...
These oils are safe for plastic, so they won’t eat away at ... Amber Guetebier, Contributing Writer Pro tip: Keep the cutter ...
This device could take your recycling game up a level. The Plastic Bottle Cutter slices bottles into strips which can be used for anything from DIY to arts and crafts. It was fully funded on ...
Run the blade lightly into the marker at a slight angle. If it catches the plastic, it's still sharp. You can swap in a new ...
SLA resin prints are made from a smooth, hard plastic ... ultrasonic cutter. Sharpening the dull factory tool ends was not my first idea; I originally tried to attach a small blade to one of ...