All that being said, for the purposes of this ... “shields” used by other development boards. Why a plank? Well, for one, it fits the pirate theme. When plugged into the Bus Pirate, the ...
Special to The New York Times. TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. Full text is unavailable for this digitized archive article. Subscribers may view the ...
In fact, you’ll hear about quite a few pirates in this series, which is why we decided to call it Off the Plank. Dunavin has always been fascinated by ships and the sea — maybe because he grew ...
Can you answer these questions correctly and win the treasure before the timer runs out? If not the pirates will have to walk the plank!
Make those porch pirates walk the plank with these creative methods ... But they’re not keeping porch pirates from being on ...
Arrr you ready? Why are pirates called pirates? Because they arrrrr! Why couldn't the pirate play cards? He was sitting on ...
Pirates Quiz, Part 2 Take to the high seas and see how much pirate lore you know. Will you be allowed to join the crew or will you have to walk the plank?
Pirates Quiz, Part 4 Take to the high seas and see how much pirate lore you know. Will you be allowed to join the crew or will you have to walk the plank?