A physics major studies questions about the universe while learning skills that prepare them for a variety of career paths. With technologies from X-rays to roller coasters involving physics ...
Introduction to the physical principles underlying the electronic structure and the electronic and thermal properties of solids from macroscopic to nanometer dimensions. General quantum mechanics and ...
Learn more about Connections, Connecticut College's innovative new curriculum. Concepts in contemporary physics. Relativity, an introduction to quantum theory, and the structure of matter at the ...
Emmy Noether showed that fundamental physical laws are just a consequence of simple symmetries. A century later, her insights ...
Basic concepts of physics emphasizing the meaning of modern developments of the science. High school mathematics required. Fulfills three credit hours of the general science requirement. For ...
Introduction to the fundamental physics of radiation therapy, with emphasis on external beam photon and electron therapy and on brachytherapy. For these modalities, the basic operation of delivery ...
and the limits of classical physics, introduction to special relativity. Pre-Req: PHYS 1440 Physics II with a 'C-' or higher, or Spring 2020 grade of 'P', Co-Req: PHYS 2610L The Physics of Materials & ...
MAT_SCI 301-0 or equivalent or consent of instructor; GEN_ENG 205-4 or equivalent; PHYSICS 135-2, PHYSICS 135-3; MAT_SCI 351-1 is prerequisite for MAT_SCI 351-2 This is the second part of a two-course ...