Curious about the nearly 80 suits that'll feature in Spider-Man 2's PC release? Here's a list of all of the costumes for both ...
Miles Morales' new black and red Spider ... Swinging onto the comic scene wearing a red and black outfit that took cues from Peter Parker’s signature red and blue design, Miles has only changed ...
As you web sling across New York and fight crime, you'll find yourself unlocking a variety of suits for both Peter Parker and Miles Morales in ... to retrieve a spare suit. This acts as a tutorial ...
Much like Peter does in this game with Miles, I’ve gotten to watch Nadji ... he would feel great about all that he’s accomplished as Peter Parker and be grateful for the entire experience.
You'll want to switch between Miles Morales and Peter Parker in Marvel's Spider-Man 2 to use both heroes strengths. Miles' electric powers and invisibility, and Peter's gadgets give you different ...
Funko Pops for Marvel's Spider-Man 2 characters Peter, Miles, Venom, and Kraven leaked. Figures of Peter and Miles in their Advanced Suit ... Peter Parker, Mary Jane, Miles Morales, and Mr ...
[Spoiler warning: While this guide doesn’t include any strict narrative spoilers, you may be able to glean plot twists by looking at suits or even reading their names.] You unlock most suits by ...