some recurrences in our case-series may not have been true PSD recurrences because they were generally diagnosed on clinical grounds and not routinely confirmed by obtaining a repeat perineal ...
Palpation of the abdomen and the perineum did not seem to cause pain to the mouse. The perineal skin was of normal color and temperature. What gender is the mouse? What are your differential ...
This rabbit has what Harcourt-Brown calls “fat lazy rabbit” (FLR) syndrome 1. FLR syndrome is analogous to feline lower urinary tract disease (FLUTD) or feline urological syndrome (FUS ...
Avoid putting any pressure on the perineal area as it may cause irritation or discomfort ... pads may feel gentle and comfortable on your skin. These single-use pads promise to provide relief ...
In the realm of personal hygiene, countless tips and tricks have been passed down through generations, promising to keep us ...
Objectives: To evaluate reports that describe relapse or recurrence following treatment of perineal streptococcal dermatitis (PSD), we studied a large cohort of children with these perianal or ...