Existing emperor penguin colonies and their average population sizes from 2009 to 2018. The colonieshighlighted in red represent those with available population size estimates. Colonies marked in ...
The world's largest and oldest iceberg, named A23a, has run aground in shallow waters off the coast of South Georgia, a ...
New research shows that rapid climate change is increasing stress on species and ecosystems, and the risk of extinction will accelerate with continued global warming. Emperor penguins live in the ...
a huge bag of penguin feathers. And now, after a decade-long analysis, Sontag and his colleagues have figured out how to use such feathers to create a living map of the mercury contamination that ...
Go Forth Stirling’s Penguin Trail – `Chilly’s Family Reunion’ - offers the chance to find all the missing penguins by following a map around the city and visiting the 15 shops where a ...