(Pope John Paul II, Redeemer of Man) 4. Your hour with Jesus in the Blessed Sacrament will repair for evils of the world and bring about peace on earth. "Let us be generous with our time in going ...
But what can be said is that he appears to possess a powerful inclination towards peace — and that this is an inclination that Catholics should share, as disciples of Jesus.
From the thousands that have died in Palestine since October to the constant conflict that swirls around us, it can be hard to take all the “peace on earth” stuff seriously. It feels a bit ...
The question about peace on earth remains for the moment in the air ... Sure One, / And He the Prince of Peace, hath none!” Jesus’s mother had no peace even to bring him into the world ...
Suddenly, many angels appeared, singing praises to God “Glory to God in the highest heaven, and peace on earth to those with ... to hear about the birth of Jesus. Being a shepherd in first ...