While the bite from a venomous blue-lined octopus (Hapalochlaena fasciata) can result in a painful, potentially life-or-death emergency for humans, new research indicates it’s part of everyday ...
This octopus species lives in open water in Earth’s tropical and subtropical seas. It’s not the easiest place to find a mate, especially since the male is tiny—less than three-quarters of an ...
Add in the octopus’s small size (generally around eight inches), relatively short arms, bell-shaped body, pale coloring, and tendency to hover over the seafloor, and you’ve got a cephalopod ...
While an octopus-dominated future may seem "improbable" at the moment, it "wouldn’t be the first time that an ocean-dwelling species took advantage of a land species extinction to adapt and ...
So perhaps it’s only natural that the Octopus has found its place in that ocean. You might ask, "What’s the Octopus?" Well, it’s when a player scores a touchdown, then scores the subsequent ...
Those unfamiliar with the octopus bet are probably saying "what the heck is an octopus?" Well, you've come to the right place. Let's break down the definition of an octopus, explain how you can ...
So said a stream of octopus enthusiasts, who extolled the many astonishing traits of the beloved, eight-legged cephalopod to a committee of the Oregon Legislature earlier this month. Nearly 70 ...