En el Museo Louvre Abu Dhabi se presenta la “fraternidad” que hubo entre los artistas del posimpresionismo en la exposición "Posimpresionismo: más allá de las apariencias". En colaboración con el Muse ...
fue el inventor del puntillismo, la técnica que consiste en crear una obra a base de diminutos puntos ... Los neoimpresionistas, con Seurat y Paul Signac a la cabeza, solo utilizaban colores ...
Narrator: Georges Seurat was born in Paris, in 1859 and started drawing when he was in school. In the school library, he found a book about drawing. This book inspired Seurat to look at art in a ...
And few people painted it as voraciously as the artists of 19th century France. Georges Seurat – the neo-impressionist pioneer of pointillism – was prime among them, and the Courtauld Gallery ...