For years now, we've covered the plea from long-term care facilities seeking more Medicaid funding from the state of New York ...
Texas seniors in nursing homes and assisted living die from heat and cold when power fails. State Sen. Carol Alvarado calls ...
It has left Indiana's nursing homes ranking among the worst in the nation for staffing, despite receiving billions in ...
New data obtained by IndyStar through a public records lawsuit reveals the fullest picture yet of Indiana's secretive nursing home Medicaid scheme ...
The federal government has taken recent enforcement action against a Henrico nursing home after an investigation found the facility caused harm to a resident who suffered a fracture due to a fall.
And while state Health Department officials say they have tried to generally expand inspection and enforcement efforts to improve operations at nursing homes and other such facilities, it clearly ...
Nursing homes in Kansas have enrolled in a penalty fund-backed program to equip direct caregivers with sector training.
Possible Medicaid cuts being debated would hit children, seniors in nursing homes, people with disabilities and rural ...
Stephen Webber and state Rep. Kimberly-Ann Collins are designed to provide more oversight to state nursing homes and require ...
Nursing homes owned by eight county-owned hospitals in Indiana generated roughly $2 billion in supplemental Medicaid payments between 2018 and 2023, but ...