After the Nubian pharaohs lost power ... extending his control to the whole Nile Valley. Piye became the first pharaoh of Egypt’s 25th dynasty (ca 770-656 B.C.), the so-called Black Pharaohs.
Nubian Neolithic archaeological sites in the ... In the study, "Do cultural and biological variation correspond in the Middle Nile Valley Neolithic? Some insights from dental morphology ...
The Somalia plate is gradually pulling away from the Nubian plate which in return is ... event occurring in the East African Rift Valley (EAR). What does this tectonic movement in the African ...
The most famed collection of such elaborate tombs—the Valley of the Kings—lies on the Nile's west bank near Luxor. During Egypt's New Kingdom (1539-1075 B.C.), the valley became a royal burial ...
The Indus civilisation started almost 5,000 years ago. Find out about different cities in the Indus Valley. What was everyday life like in the Indus Valley? Find out about everyday life in the ...