To avoid confusion with the NES Ninja Gaiden 3, we will refer to the 2013 version as NG3 Razor’s Edge. Previously, Ryu was hired by Ishigami and Mizuki McCloud of Japan’s Special Defense Force ...
Ninja Gaiden 2 is back, but is this the ultimate version we've been hoping for or does it need more time in the dojo?
Say what you will about Ninja Gaiden 2, the game commits to its ridiculous over-the-top action tone. Most people playing ...
Upon seeing Ninja Gaiden 4s trailer fans were distressed to meet Yakumo - a new protagonist. But it's more of an addition than a replacement ...
Check out our review of Ninja Gaiden 2 Black, and see how Ryu Hayabusa fared in his long-awaited return with this remake of a classic action game.
First introduced in 1988’s Ninja Gaiden, Ryu has appeared in numerous games since, yet it’s arguably when he went 3D in 2004 that both Ryu and his famous bum cheeks really broke through into ...