A new study suggests early detection improves outcomes, but metabolic episodes in the first days of life still prove ...
With its newborn screening program, the Michigan health department tests for 50 diseases and disorders, including heart ...
The Kansas Department of Health and Environment (KDHE) in partnership with the Kansas Hospital Association and the Kansas ...
CT should become the fifth state to add Duchenne to the screening newborns receive, giving parents the early answers they ...
"What a boon this will be to downtown Topeka," said Janet Stanek, the KDHE secretary, of the new Kansas health and ...
Explore the benefits of adopting universal molecular genetic testing for newborn screening of haemoglobinopathies to improve ...
The Minnesota Department of Health tests for over 60 different disorders during a newborn screening, and now, two more ...
A multidisciplinary approach, early diagnosis, and comprehensive caregiver education are crucial in effectively managing ...
Fostering dialogue between neurologists, researchers, patient representatives, and policymakers is an important step towards ...
Unlike most developed nations that have instituted extensive newborn hearing screening programs, universal screening is very much underused in different places.