Whilst researching the potential stories for the Mammals Heat episode we came across a newly described behaviour about white sifaka lemurs in Madagascar hugging tree trunks to keep cool!
Native American stories are as varied as the trees on the Earth and yet have many common themes, whether told by the Inuit of Alaska or the Seminole of Florida. Traditional Native stories are ...
Different stakeholders campaign for tree hugging to promote environmental awareness and forest conservation. (Photo: ADD/PIA-10/Lanao del Norte) Osio highlighted the importance of planting native ...
The newly restored River Culm floodplain at Killerton where a population of rare black poplar is being established A living gene bank of the rarest native tree in Britain, the black poplar ...
Efforts are being stepped up to save Britain’s rarest and most threatened native species of tree. The National Trust is creating a “living library” gene bank of trees in east Devon to help ...