A robotics enthusiast took a creative approach to engineering by constructing a functional robot using discarded materials. Built from salvaged parts, the project, named Esghati, reflects a ...
The Hytron Lite leverages the same cutting-edge NVIDIA technology suite as its larger counterpart. At its core, the robot is ...
NEO Gamma, a robot for the home by 1X Technologies, posed for a selfie with attendees. The robot’s legs are autonomous, while its upper half is controlled by a human pilot. Tripp Mickle reports ...
Scientists improved battery durability and energy density with a nano-spring coating. A research team led by Professor Kyu-Young Park from the Institute of Ferrous & Eco Materials Technology ...
Yasmin Wijnaldum and Ameca, the world's most advanced humanoid robot, created a memorable moment at the Giuseppe Di Morabito show, symbolizing a blend of technology and high fashion. The show ...
A TEAM from Mountrath Community School scooped an award in a pioneering robotics competition. The school’s Nano Knights won ...
The key to this research is the ‘nano-spring coating’ technology that can design elastic structures. The research team im\plemented a multi-walled carbon nanotube (MWCNT) on the surface of battery ...