Mr Self, from Norwich, was facing 18 months on a waiting list but everything changed when he was asked if he would travel 170 miles to get ... superseded planned surgery such as hip and knee ...
The Cipla Foundation initiative, Miles for Smiles ... the speech of patients who had previously received cleft palate surgery ...
Plastic surgery, or hair transplantation, paid for with frequent flier miles? Those are just a few of the bizarre things airlines are offering for purchase with frequent flier miles. Scott ...
In January this year, cameras were on hand to film the jaw-dropping sight of the world's first 5G remote surgery on a lab animal ... Parkinson's patient nearly 1,900 miles away in Beijing ...
ended up walking approximately six miles through snow in order to perform a life-saving brain surgery for a patient suffering a traumatic brain injury, The Birmingham News reports. Dr. Zenko ...