The apprentice of Count Dooku, Ventress has years of experience ... That being said, he was trained to master multiple forms of lightsaber combat by his own mentor, Darth Plagueis.
Because of this, a Sith master to an Aries would need to be ... with Anakin first taking Dooku's own lightsaber and then decapitating him with it and with his own lightsaber.
Build a replica of Luke Skywalker's lightsaber, then use Adobe to add ... how many people will pay you to make them look like a Jedi master. Leah Stodart is a Philadelphia-based Senior Shopping ...
Showing how far the computer graphic wizards at Industrial Light and Magic have come, we watch Yoda have a dazzling lightsaber battle with Dooku ... fight this evil Jedi master, this Sith lord." ...