Almost 1,900 additional homes will now be subject to landlord licensing in Manchester as the city's council extends its ...
Selective landlord licensing has been extended to almost 1,900 more properties in Manchester. Since 2017, more than 3,500 ...
Manchester and Gateshead councils expand landlord licensing to over 7,000 properties, targeting poor housing, safety, and ...
Manchester City Council has extended its landlord licensing scheme to the owners and agents of 1,863 more flats and houses.
As Tom Stannard begins his new role as Manchester City Council Chief Executive today (February 3) he said he is “highly ambitious” for the region and its citizens. He is only the third Chief ...
Manchester has added 1,900 flats and houses to its list of properties requiring a licence, after Mayor launched a voluntary ...
Selective landlord licensing has been extended to almost 1,900 more properties in Manchester. Since 2017, more than 3,500 homes across the city have been fully license to improve standards.