Pugsley, a 2-year-old Maine Coon from Minnesota, was awarded the Guinness World Record title for longest tail for a living domestic cat.
Do you play it cool or make the first "meowve?" Milosh, the Maine Coon, decided to give the former a try when his new Tabby cat sister Daisy arrived and he's the picture of too-cool-for-school.
The largest Maine Coon cat ever is Mymains Stewart Gilligan. Stewie measured an appealing 48.5 inches in length. Stewie was a gray tabby Maine Coon that resided in Reno, Nevada. Sadly, Stewie died ...
The cats in the viral videos are pretty big, but if you do some background research you’ll find out that the biggest ever Maine Coon was called Mymains Stewart Gilligan and he was 48.5 inches long.