B.R. Manjunath discusses Marxist literary criticism emphasizing class struggle, historical approach, and importance of ...
Gianni Rodari used puns, topsy-turvyism and zany names to invent stories for children and help children invent their own.
There is widespread agreement that literary criticism in the form in which it came to dominate Anglophone English departments across much of the 20th century (and which made English the most ...
Children’s books, to a great extent because they are written for those who cannot participate in the market, can offer resistance to a vision of the good life which is a built on a hegemony of ...
From our survey of the recent criticism of Verne's work it is apparent that we are ... they have been winning for Verne a first-rank position in the history of French literature. This evolution is of ...
Dramatic texts are studied as blueprints for performed events. Students will read a wide range of plays in order to develop play analysis skills and to gain an awareness of how structure shapes ...