While the list of line dances is extensive, you can start by learning the ones you'll run into most often. Get ready to get ...
sometimes songs come with their own line dance. From "Macarena" to "Swag Surfin,'" here's a list of songs that have inspired classic dances.
Compose your message to subscribers and include a descriptive subject line Address and send your message to dance-list@colorado.edu Once you send the email it will go to an administrator for ...
Can Jasmine Simpkins keep up with former L.A. Raiders cheerleader and iconic dancer Adrianne Harris of Epicenter Dance? This high-energy workout blends rhythm and movement, making line dancing ...
Her daughter recorded the couple in 2022 as they celebrated their 23rd wedding anniversary with the dance. The R&B star posted their video of the “Tamia Line Dance,” as it’s become known ...