Sanjeev Chopra talked about his latest book 'The Great Conciliator', which is about the life of former Prime Minister Lal ...
Gandhi’s spinning wheel symbolizes his belief in rural industry and self-reliance. MARGARET BOURKE WHITE, 1946. TIME LIFE PICTURES/GETTY IMAGES Gandhi’s impact was indelible. He guided India ...
Mahatma Gandhi's life and ideals will always inspire the entire humanity, said the Governor. M Hari Jawaharlal, Secretary to Governor and other officers and staff members of Raj Bhavan attended ...
He wanted change but through peace, not violence. Aged 23, Gandhi moved to South Africa, where one event changed the rest of his life. He was thrown off a train carriage which was just for white ...
Gandhi is famous for responding to a reporter’s question about his message by jotting down, “My life is my message.” Those five words aren’t just one man’s story. They represent a ...