It's easy to miss, but Princess Leia Organa's worst Force vision in Star Wars ultimately came true, making one Leia storyline ...
Warning: Spoilers for Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker Adaptation #1The master and apprentice relationship is sacred in Star Wars - even for Leia Organa and Rey. However, once the Jedi Order ...
Instead, because Leia “survives” the movie ... his last adventure was a near perfect way to go. When we meet the Jedi Master on Ahch-to, he’s basically an orphan boy all over again.
For fans of Star Wars and the late, great Carrie Fisher, it looked like The Last Jedi was going to contain more sorrow than we could bear. The Last Jedi is the last film Fisher shot before her ...
Best-selling writer Alex Segura teases his plans for Marvel's post-Return of the Jedi storytelling in Star Wars #1.
To take the step from Youngling to Padawan, a Jedi must take on the task of assembling their own lightsaber. Only then can they truly begin their training. This kit contains the materials you need to ...
Jedi Master-in-hiding Luke Skywalker unwillingly attempts to guide young hopeful Rey in the ways of the force, while Leia, former princess turned general, attempts to lead what is left of the ...
Luke Skywalker warns Rey on the Jedi Temple island of Ahch-To ... In fact, there is a moment involving Leia that is as poetic as the series has ever been. And Johnson isn’t afraid to go trippy ...