Point2Homes examines why renters are choosing to stay for 10 years or more in a house for rent and why three-bedroom homes ...
TurboTenant takes a deep dive into how to rent out a house effectively and efficiently—how to understand legal elements, ...
"Just cause" evictions aren't just about evictions; they're about people being forced to leave for reasons that are, right ...
When it comes to renting your first apartment or house ... broker's fee for a $1,500 per month rental, you'll have to pay an additional $1,800 at the beginning of your lease.
The Rhode Island House of Representatives today approved legislation sponsored by Rep. Terri Cortvriend enabling Middletown ...
Landlords in New South Wales will soon be subject to tough penalties for evicting tenants without a "genuine" reason.
Gulley's housing portal shows the landlord of the uninhabitable home is still receiving more than $2,000 a month in subsidy ...