Igneous rock is formed by the cooling of molten rock, either at the surface (lava), or underground (as granite or other similar rocks). The heat of molten rock usually incinerates organisms rather ...
The eruption restarted at midday when when molten rock began pouring out of a vent in Kilauea’s summit caldera, the Hawaiian ...
Explosive eruptions might also release molten lava flows and lava bombs, which are chunks of partially melted rock that can fly for miles. Some icy volcanoes produce huge mudslides called lahars ...
Lava can be seen pouring out of the volcano on the wintry February day, while lava that had cooled into rock can be heard ... Italy’s Mount Etna erupts in background ...
No residential areas have been threatened by lava. The latest release of molten rock began 8:22 p.m. Fountains of lava reaching 300 to 400 feet (91 to 122 meters) have spurted out of the volcano ...