These bills propose 47 amendments to the Labour Relations Act, 1995 (LRA), 13 amendments to the Basic Conditions of Employment Act, 1997 (BCEA), two amendments to the National Minimum Wage Act ...
Negotiations between organised business, organised labour and government, led by the Department of Employment and Labour (DEL ...
Dalhousie is committed to integrity in our labour relationships. Competitive terms and conditions of employment for our faculty and staff are foundational to our ability to deliver on our mission of ...
According to a statement signed by Patience Onuobia, Head, Press and Public Relations ... the definition of a worker in the current Labour Act Cap L1 2004 to explicitly include domestic workers.
If a camel is a horse designed by committee, Labour’s proposed Race Equality Act is a monster created by a mix of campaigners ...
"In my view of my findings herein that the strike is not in compliance with the mandatary procedure provided by the Labour Relations Act," said Justice Onesmus Makau. The judge further directed ...
Examine employee and labour relations in Canada through a holistic view that bridges the gap between union and non-union environments. You'll learn to apply employment laws and accommodation ...
Note: This course has been replaced by CHRM270 Employee and Labour Relations in Canada for the Human Resources Management Certificate program.