The westbound lane over the bridge will be closed, and traffic will be reduced to one lane. The department says the weight restriction will remain “for the foreseeable future.” La Crosse ...
LOS ANGELES — This is why LA can’t have nice things. Last weekend, vandals in Los Angeles painted a massive “F–K TRUMP” message on the 6th Street Viaduct: a half-mile illuminated bridge ...
LA CROSSE, Wis. (WEAU) - Voters in La Crosse heard from those looking to become the city’s next mayor Wednesday night. City Council President Chris Kahlow and community leader Shaundel ...
At Aquinas High the Blugolds jumped out to a 12-0 lead but wins by Rex Lancaster, Jin Xiong and Turner Campbell would help turn the tide on a night that ... In Onalaska, La Crosse pulled away ...