Few figures in history have had such a controversial reputation as King Herod I of Judaea. In the Christian tradition, Herod is the villain in the Christmas story. The Gospel of Matthew recounts ...
In The Life of Herod the Great, the titular king’s advisers and subjects alike have nothing but praise for the tall, handsome hero, complimenting his fighting prowess (“What a marvelous hurl ...
(page 1) In Biblical history, Herod “the Great,” Rome’s client king of Judaea (ruled 40 - 4 BCE) was an evil tyrant. There is no actual evidence for the atrocity he is most remembered for, the ...
They had to ask. Herod the Great, King of Judea, felt threatened when the Magi—wise men from the East—arrived in Jerusalem asking, “Where is the one who has been born king of the Jews?
The devil's work is never done.