COURTESY DLNR The landscape ohia trees were infected with Ceratocystis huliohia, the less virulent strain of the fungal pathogen, according to the Hawaii Department of Land and Natural Resources. 1 /2 ...
But logging in the dark isn't the most intriguing part of the plans at Kodama, which has raised $6.6 million in seed funding ...
Are tree roots taking over your yard? Don't resort to toxic chemical root killers. Instead, try this all-natural solution.
Oak wilt is one of the deadliest tree diseases in the United States, killing millions of trees across 76 Texas counties.
In Africa, Asia, North America, South America and Europe, drought stress amplified by heat is killing trees that have survived for centuries. This research makes us optimistic that young trees of ...
MISC also collected samples from nearby ohia trees for follow up monitoring. Rapid ohia death, which is caused by two fungal species — C. huliohia and C. lukuohia — were first found killing ...