Slavery took on new importance with a massive ... 1792-1821: 6 new slave states enter the United States: Kentucky (1792), Tennessee (1796); Louisiana (1812), Mississippi (1817), Alabama (1819 ...
That stretch eventually became associated with the slaves who tended to the land, and the term expanded to include the greater region where slavery ... and Missouri and Kentucky in the south.
Tidewater started as a feudal society that embraced slavery. Tidewater was built by ... Greater Appalachia encompasses parts of Kentucky, Tennessee, West Virginia, and Texas.
She was one of the nominees for Best News Piece at the U.K's Anti-Slavery Day 2023 Awards in Parliament ... Languages: English. A Newsweek map shows the 25 states that have sought to protect ...
This map, made by the U.S. Coast Survey in 1861 using census data from 1860, shows the relative prevalence of slavery in Southern counties that year. (Click on the image or on this link to arrive ...
TimesMachine is an exclusive benefit for home delivery and digital subscribers. About the Archive This is a digitized version of an article from The Times’s print archive, before the start of ...
Learn more about slavery after the Civil War by scrolling through the timeline and map. Points on the map include photos and more information about key dates in United States history from 1860-1950.