Our knowledge of the figure of John the Baptist is very limited. We have only those references to him in the Christian gospels, where he stands alongside of Jesus. We also have references to him ...
From the very first scene of John's gospel when Jesus enters the story for the first time, he does so by coming to John the Baptist to be baptized. And when Jesus enters, John sees him coming and ...
Hundreds of Kentucky Baptist churches on Sunday took the message of John 3:16 to their congregations on 3:16 on 3/16 day, a ...
John the Baptist is patron saint of (among other things ... Perhaps you’ve heard that John is the guy we all have to go through in order to meet Jesus. He’s the forerunner, the precursor, the cold ...
Louisiana Supreme Court Associate Justice John M. Guidry will speak at the 100th anniversary of Mt. Zion Baptist Church, 1920 ...
John the Baptist preached in the wilderness ... Matthew records that when Jesus asked John to baptise him, John was reluctant to do so. This could be for the following reasons: baptism is for ...
This messenger is John the Baptist, who appeared in the desert of Judaea. Baptism was a Jewish ritual – people were totally immersed in water to symbolise cleansing. John’s baptism was a ...
The Knights of Columbus Council 7232 of Saint John the Baptist Catholic Church is holding its annual Lenten Fish Fry on ...
Episode 2 - Jesus is baptised by John the Baptist and begins his ministry.Jesus' followers grow in number, but not all are comfortable with his claims to be the Son of God. More info ...