And each and every time the message was the same: If we didn't wage war, Iraq was going to attack the ... and he is the author or co-author of four books on media and politics.
These are pages, books, photos, and several other items that you find throughout the region. Here is the full breakdown of where to find all of the Atonements Notes in the Iraq region. This Note ...
Welcome to Theater of War, a regular column analyzing the relationship between Hollywood and the U.S. military. Looking back at almost 20 years of Iraq War movies, the first thought that comes to ...
As of May 9, 126 U.S. military personnel had died in Iraq out of a total of about 250,000 troops, according to Pentagon figures. Compared to previous wars, the loss to the military is remarkably low — ...
providing an opportunity for Tehran to ensure that Iraq could never again threaten Iran as it did during the countries’ 1980–1988 war. Iranian influence extends beyond militias, however ...
"Essential listening..." Why the US and UK went to war in Iraq and its legacy. The BBC's Security correspondent Gordon Corera speaks to those at the heart of the decision-making. Show more ...