Asian jumping worms, scientifically known as Amynthas agrestis, are a group of invasive earthworms native to East Asia. They ...
In other experiments, researchers have shown that additional nitrogen increases the growth of invasive plants in Hawaii. There is also evidence that earthworms support feral pigs in Hawaii.
Invasive species, both plant and animal, are reshaping America’s landscapes in profound and often irreversible ways.
As if we didn’t have enough to worry about, now we’ve got jumping earthworms on our hands? Yep, you heard it right, a new invasive species has reared its eyeless and squirming head in these ...
I mean, most people don't know that all the earthworms up here are invasive, and they're just denuding the forest floor and the trees can't regenerate 'cause they kill them all. All bait should go ...
Julie Riley, Gardening Sep 1, 2019 Sep 1, 2019 Updated Sep 1, 2019 Aristotle is often attributed with stating, “Earthworms are the intestines of the soil.” I love the thought of the ancient ...