This time it’s in relation to China ... by the fact the book appears to support the Hindutva theory that ancient India was a vishwaguru, a golden period that ended with the arrival of Muslim ...
Now a bustling capital, this city has remained relatively untouched by modernity and nearly unchanged for the past 300 years.
A prize offered by an Indian state leader is intended to shed light on a Bronze Age civilization — and settle a cultural ...
The writer is a biomedical systems engineer and author of ‘Wicked Problems: How to Engineer a Better World’ Ancient India’s greatest engineering achievement wasn’t a monum ...
The idea and philosophy of Dharma incorporates the idea of Nyaya, often known as justice, which is the universal law. Dharma is a Hindu idea that dates back to ancient times and is known as ...
While liberal democracy emphasizes individual rights, adversarial politics and universalist principles, India’s philosophical ...
Long ago, a substantial ancient Greek population from the island of Crete lived in the ancient city of Daedala, located in ...