It’s pretty exciting, considering this could be the first known cougar reproduction in modern times in the western Great ...
LOS ANGELES – A bike rider who decapitated a dead sea lion over Christmas and rode off with the head in a clear plastic bag ...
A bike rider who decapitated a sea lion over Christmas and rode off with the animal's head in a clear plastic bag was being ...
Things apparently got cozy, and they confided that they had hunted a mountain lion. In fact, they said, a close relative was a big fan of wild animals that had been stuffed and mounted — they ...
According to Halverson, Fitzpatrick and Price said they were carrying a sea turtle skull in their luggage, and that they illegally hunted and killed a mountain lion — a protected species that ...
As the intermittent snows of Maggie’s second winter deepened on the mountains, a rancher named Snooks Burris telephoned us from Socorro that he had seen lion tracks in the Mule Shoe. Some miles west ...
The regal beast today stands as a lone sentinel of a forgotten empire, its last stronghold nestled within the emerald embrace ...
A Butte County couple on a California flight told plain-clothed wildlife officers they were carrying an illegal sea turtle skull in their luggage. California Department of Fish and Wildlife ...