It’s suppertime in the Amazon of lowland Bolivia, and Ana Cuata Maito is stirring a porridge of plantains and sweet manioc over a fire smoldering on the dirt floor of her thatched hut, listening ...
The diet of the earliest hominins was probably ... Koobi Fora. Journal of Human Evolution 27, 173-195 (1994). Binford, L. R. Bones: Ancient Men and Modern Myths. Academic Press, New York (1981).
For decades, scientists have believed that meat-eating drove human evolution, particularly our enlarged brains.
Scientists at Nottingham Trent University found that food from people—directly or indirectly—contributes an estimated 35% of ...
This is one of the oldest known human ancestor species ... When did meat truly enter the hominin diet? Which species of hominins through our evolution consumed meat? Did the behaviour emerge several ...
Many primates have wisdom teeth to grind down their fibrous food, yet ours appear to be getting crowded out as the human jaw gets smaller with a soft diet. However sometimes evolution finds a good ...
This article examines the fossil evidence of our 6 million year evolution. Darwin's great insight ... The fossil record, along with studies of human and ape DNA, indicate that humans shared ...
Meet your ancient relatives, trace the origins and evolution of our species, and explore what makes us human. Embark on a seven-million-year ... discover the changes in physical characteristics, diet, ...
It’s suppertime in the Amazon of lowland Bolivia, and Ana Cuata Maito is stirring a porridge of plantains and sweet manioc over a fire smoldering on the dirt floor of her thatched hut, listening ...
“It’s a fairly narrow prescription for what you should be allowed to eat, implying that this is somehow the perfect evolutionarily designed diet for humans. I think that’s bunk. “If the human ...