Without those warm rays to provide that much-needed vitamin D boost, life can start to feel like an endless case of the blues. Seasonal affective disorder (SAD), or seasonal depression ...
“Glimmers are these tiny moments of OK-ness, joy, excitement, ease, calm, any of those flavors that give you the feeling that ...
When things are feeling especially hard ... Nicholas Sparks, “Dear John” “When you’re happy, you enjoy the music, but when you’re sad, you understand the lyrics.” ...
There are lots of different types of feelings. Sometimes we feel happy and sometimes we feel sad. These are just two examples of our feelings. Watch the video and find out how Pip upset Declan ...
When someone asks if you’re feeling sad, it’s often seen as a passing emotion. But today, we’re talking about something much deeper—Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD), a form of depression ...
First, brain changes occur when we feel emotions such as happy, sad or angry. These emotions cause physical reactions. Notice how, when we’re scared, the heart beats faster? Even smells ...