Legends is bringing back two legacy characters, but it can't neglect to at least mention the important people who made them ...
"A Legend," on DVD, Blu-ray and video-on-demand Tuesday, is not the usual Jackie Chan movie but it still boasts some ...
The connection between Mr. Han and Mr. Miyagi helps to remedy one of the major concerns heading into Karate Kid: Legends. Pat Morita played Mr. Miyagi in the first four Karate Kid movies.
The image shows off Chan's kung fu master Mr. Han as he bows on a rooftop. Bowing alongside him is the new protagonist of Karate Kid: Legends, Ben Wang. Despite Mr. Han growing older in the 15 ...
Karate Kid: Legends is arriving later this year, bringing the martial arts franchise back to the big screen for the first time in 15 years. Combining the karate of the original movies (and Cobra Kai) ...
With those four words, the trailer for Karate Kid: Legends raises a tantalizing question: Are Mr. Han (Jackie Chan) and Mr. Miyagi (Pat Morita) related? Starring Ben Wang (American Born Chinese) as Li ...
A Legend opens in the Han and Hun era, but jumps to present day, with Chan's Professor Fang leading an archeological dig for Han Dynasty artifacts. Those artifacts lead him to dream of Han ...