Trainer explains why end of winter is the time to start a fitness journey Can an egg really balance on its end during the vernal equinox?
Jennifer Haines will have an earlier start date as Auburn's next city manager. The Auburn City Council will vote this week to amend Haines' contract and change her start date to May 31.
Anyone can access the link you share with no account required. Learn more. AUBURN — Just as the city of Auburn is celebrating its 150th anniversary, a local church building has been a prominent ...
In August of 2006 construction began on Auburn's new facility. On Nov. 2, 2007, the City of Auburn/Auburn University Yarbrough Tennis Center was dedicated and opened as a new phase in Auburn tennis.
Just head for the intersection of College Street and Magnolia Ave, where Auburn's campus and the City of Auburn come together. And watch out for flying rolls of toilet paper. Since the beginning ...