Returns can also be presented as net results (after fees, taxes, and inflation) or gross returns that do not account for anything but the price change. It even includes a 401(k) investment.
3. Aggregate level hedge fund annualized gross returns are 12.61 percent, of which 9.07 percent is the investors’ share, whereas hedge fund managers get 3.54 percent of returns. 4. The study ...
Net revenue is a key financial metric that provides a more accurate representation of a company’s actual earnings than gross revenue.
Gross income is your total earnings before any ... these are added together to give the ‘Total Deductions’. The Net Pay is the amount an employee actually ‘takes home’.
How much of your gross salary do you take home? This is a very complex matter, depending on different variables such as whether you are a couple or not and if you have children. Of course, it also ...