Supporters of voucher-like education savings accounts are trying to press their advantage early and build a sense of ...
Gov. Greg Abbott and Lt. Gov. Dan Patrick have prioritized efforts to tighten bail laws, saying Harris County judges are ...
Texas' governor has let loose with some stunning whoppers as he pushes a plan to use state funds for private school tuitions.
Local officials, school advocates and tax policy experts said such a proposal could have dire impacts on basic services.
Gov. Greg Abbott declared bail reform as one of his emergency items for the 89th legislative session. During his state of the ...
Governor Abbott will be speaking Monday at San Antonio Christian School's Parent Empowerment Night from 5:30 - 7:30 p.m.
The governor told the Houston Chronicle he'd be "shocked" if there weren't people in Texas who already bet on sports.
The Texas Senate passed a trio of legislation from Sen. Joan Huffman (R-Houston) on Wednesday aimed at tightening rules ...